If I had only 24 hours to live, I would hugh all my family and friends.

* If the whoule world were listening, I would tell them that needed to fight for dreams.

* If one song could describe my life, it could be “Llegaremos a tiempo”.

* If I could be another person for one day, I would the queen Máxima.

If I could be a super hero, I would fly around the world.

If I could be invisible for one day, I would go to home of famous people.

* If I could meet any famous person, I would meet queen Máxima.

* If I discovered an island, I would call it “The Island never ever”.

* If I could relive any moment in my life, I would choose my childhood.

Agustina Guariglia.

Un pensamiento en “WHAT IF…?

  1. Dear Agus, thanks for your support and your generous readiness for any task at school. You’ll be a great physician in all senses. Be happy, keep on enjoying all the good things life has given you! You’re in my heart.

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